Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I've never had a blog before and honestly never thought anyone would ever care enough about my life to sit at the computer and read things that go on. However, as social media has progressed and I have actually started following and reading other people's blogs and twitters daily, I figured I should get in on some of the action. Maybe people will want to know what I do daily or what goes on in my life. I mean I think I'm interesting and have some cool stories to tell.

I recently scored an awesome job at a local bike shop called Outdoors Inc. It's been great for me. I've learned a lot more about bikes and being a mechanic. I thought I was decent before and could handle my own bike issues but now I really have confidence in my skills and will trust myself to work on my bike and others from now on. I learned how to build wheels and built my first set a few months back. It's pretty awesome to ride on a great wheelset knowing you built it by hand.

Working at Outdoors has given me other opportunities as well. Specialized recently warrantied my old tarmac frame for a new 2011 model. Awesome. Given such a sweet gift I decided to buy some new components and build up a whole new bike. Now I have the 2011 Tarmac Pro SL3 with a red grouppo. Now I'm in the market for a triathlon bike. Years past I've just done all my road tri's on my road bike. This becomes a big challenge and disadvantage when racing at the Ironman and Half Ironman level. I really want to see what I can do with an aero frame and fork. It should be interesting. Hopefully, I'll be able to place that order soon and get myself a new bike.

Other recent happens include a sponsorship deal with DLT Multisport Events. This is really going to help me out with racing this upcoming year. They are putting on many races in Arkansas from road tri's to mountain bike races. They also have a few races in Louisiana and a half ironman in Arkansas. Check them out at their website and sign up for some events. I'll be at 6 of them at least this upcoming summer.

The weatherman is predicting four to six inches of snow tomorrow but I think it will be later in the afternoon. I'm hoping it will wait long enough for me to get up and do my swim, lifting, and biking before they shut the schools down. If they do that then there will definitely be an afternoon snow/beer ride with Andrea Wilson from http://blog.brickhouseracing.com/. Check her out. She's got some awesome races coming up soon too.

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